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  • Writer's pictureJody Slaughter

Roy Bean: The West's Most Notorious Judge

Updated: 3 days ago

Season: 1 \ Episode: 1

In this premiere episode of the West Texas Podcast, we dive into the life and legend of Judge Roy Bean, a man who was as much a showman as he was a judge. Known as "The Law West of the Pecos," Judge Bean's court was anything but conventional. From holding court in his saloon, the Jersey Lilly, to fining a dead man for carrying a concealed weapon, Bean's antics were the stuff of Wild West folklore. Join us as we explore his early life, his unique brand of justice, and the tall tales that surround his legacy.

Judge Roy Bean Trying a Case, 1900, photograph, 1900; University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Cattle Raisers Museum.

Cold Open: We set the scene in Langtry, Texas, where Judge Roy Bean presides over a courtroom that's more saloon than legal institution. With his pet bear Bruno by his side and a .41 Smith and Wesson serving as his gavel, Bean's courtroom antics are both legendary and infamous.

Chapter 1: Early Life

  • Born in 1835 in Mason County, Kentucky.

  • Journey to New Orleans and subsequent adventures.

  • Escapades in Mexico and California, including a duel on horseback and a daring prison escape.

  • Partnership with his brother Joshua Bean in San Diego, and the dramatic end of Joshua's life.

Chapter 2: Vinegarroon

  • Arrival in Pecos County and the chaotic railroad camp of Vinegarroon.

  • Establishing a saloon and becoming the Justice of the Peace.

  • Tales of unconventional justice and dealing with lawlessness in the railroad camps.

Chapter 3: Langtry

  • Setting up the Jersey Lilly Saloon in Langtry.

  • Eccentric courtroom proceedings and Bean's rise to fame.

  • Relationship with rival saloon owner Jesus Torres and their eventual friendship.

  • Notable incidents, including stopping a train carrying railroad magnate Jay Gould.

Chapter 4: Tall Tales

  • The story of Bruno, Judge Bean's pet bear and unofficial bouncer.

  • Legendary courtroom antics and Bean's interactions with locals and visitors.

  • Staging a world championship heavyweight title fight on a sandbar in the Rio Grande.

Chapter 5: Later Years

  • Bean's legacy as a judge, saloon owner, and community figure.

  • His interactions with notable figures like Lillie Langtry.

  • The lasting impact of Judge Roy Bean on West Texas history.

Closing: Thank you for tuning in to the WTX Podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to subscribe and leave a review.


"Vintage Photo of Judge Roy Bean in Front of his Historic Saloon," Famous Rose Collection of Old Time Photographs, John Tackett Photography Studio, San Antonio, Texas.

"Vintage Photo of Judge Roy Bean's Pet Bear," Famous Rose Collection of Old Time Photographs, John Tackett Photography Studio, San Antonio, Texas.

[Suspension Bridge Over Pecos River], photograph, June 23, 1929; University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting The University of Texas at Dallas.

["Argonaut" passenger trains in West Texas], photograph, 1929~; University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Museum of the American Railroad.

[Lilly Langtry Photograph], photograph, 1880/1889; University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Cattle Raisers Museum.

Undated photo of Judge Roy Bean with his legal book. Source unknown.

Further Reading


Writer: Jody L. Slaughter

Producer: Jody L. Slaughter

Editor: Jody L. Slaughter

Engineer: Jody L. Slaughter

Music (in order of appearance):


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Thanks for listening, and so long...from West Texas.


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